WOMEN | Sunday, May 21, 2023

12:48 AM

#WOMEN: the natural ratio of male to female human births is around 105:100, but factors in India have shifted that further towards the males. Finally, after decades of education, the balance is starting to shift back - there are technically more women than men in India now, but they’re elderly - of little use to the twenty-somethings who can’t get a girlfriend. My cousins and I have been complaining about this for DECADES, India’s inability to fix the collective treatment of girls and women. #india #women

TRIBES | Tuesday, March 30, 2021

11:35 PM

#TRIBES: all the wonderful people in my pictures on this project were helpful, open and usually talkative. They’re all very aware of how the system has been stacked against them and appreciative of the work done by groups like #VSSM to get them their rights back. #india #nomads #gujarat #photojournalism #women